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Art on My Mind: Visual Politics

This book is about bell hooks
Cover of the book Art on My Mind: Visual Politics

Summary of Art on My Mind: Visual Politics

In "Art on My Mind: Visual Politics," celebrated cultural critic bell hooks delves into the complex interplay of art, identity, and politics within the realms of racial justice and gender equality. Published on July 1, 1995, this thought-provoking book explores how art serves as a vital conduit for the black liberatory struggle, proposing that visual art can be both a revolutionary force and a means of empowerment for the black community. Hooks' engaging analysis not only addresses the production and critique of art but also how these processes intersect with the politics of identity, making it an essential read for college students studying social justice, art, or cultural criticism. By positioning art at the center of political and social discourse, hooks invites readers to reconsider the potential of visual creativity as a powerful agent of change.

Book Details

Published by The New Press on July 1, 1995
240 pages
ISBN: 9781565842632
Best for readers in College Students
This book provides valuable insights into Racial Justice and Gender Equality, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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