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Cover of the book Fire in My Soul

Summary of Fire in My Soul

"Fire in My Soul" chronicles the riveting journey of Eleanor Holmes Norton, a formidable figure in civil rights and women's rights, through the lens of her close friend and author, Joan Steinau Lester. Published on January 6, 2004, this biography not only captures Norton's fierce legislative battles as a U.S. Congresswoman but also her formative years of activism, beginning from her college days at Antioch College. Through intimate interviews, personal correspondence, and compelling narratives, Lester paints a vivid portrait of Norton’s advocacy for racial justice, gender equality, religious freedom, and voting rights. This book is particularly suited for adult education settings where learners can explore the intersections of Norton's work with broader social justice issues. "Fire in My Soul" serves as a powerful inspiration, urging readers to reflect on how one person's relentless spirit can help ignite the flame of change in society.

Book Details

Published by Atria on January 6, 2004
384 pages
ISBN: 9780743407885
Best for readers in Adults Learning and Growing
This book provides valuable insights into Religious FreedomRacial JusticePolitical Justice, and Gender Equality, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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