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Fishermen Slaves: Human Trafficking and the Seafood We Eat

Cover of the book Fishermen Slaves: Human Trafficking and the Seafood We Eat

Summary of Fishermen Slaves: Human Trafficking and the Seafood We Eat

Are we reaping the benefits of modern slavery? From the fish we eat to the gold we buy, slavery and human trafficking affect many facets of everyday life. In “Fishermen Slaves: Human Trafficking and the Seafood We Eat” The Associated Press explores human exploitation during the beginnings of the 21st century. AP coverage highlights the breadth of forced labor and trafficking in regions ranging from Southeast Asia to the United States. Rooted in religion, discrimination and poverty, AP journalists unveil a world of desperation and profit, often with little hope of escape. These are the stories of the oppressed around the world as told through AP reports and photographs. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service and the Goldsmith Prize.

Book Details

Published by AP Editions on March 15, 2016
163 pages
ISBN: 9781633533219
This book provides valuable insights into Environmental JusticeEconomic Justice, and Criminal Justice Reform, highlighting key issues and advancements within these areas

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