Summary of Grandma and Me at the Flea / Los Meros Meros Remateros (English and Spanish Edition)
"Grandma and Me at the Flea / Los Meros Meros Remateros" is a vibrant bilingual journey into the heart of economic justice, woven through the Sundays Juanito spends with his grandmother at the flea market. Published on April 1, 2013, and inspired by the life and teachings of social justice leader Juan Felipe Herrera, this book captures the essence of community and reciprocity. As Juanito interacts with colorful characters beneath the rainbow-colored tents, he learns valuable lessons about the true worth of goods and services, far beyond monetary value. Each barter at the remate—be it copper bracelets for money orders or healing herbs for red chiles—reveals the deep connections and mutual support that thrive within this microcosm of society. Ideal for elementary school readers, this narrative not only entertains but also educates on the importance of community support systems and the principles of economic justice. Engage with Juanito’s story and explore how community shapes our understanding of value and justice.