Home / Social Justice Leaders / Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt

Image of the social justice leader, Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt, born in 1884 in the United States and passing in 1962, remains an iconic figure in the annals of civil rights history. Her unwavering dedication to championing women's rights and human rights left an indelible mark on both American society and the global community. As a tireless advocate, she fearlessly fought against injustice and inequality, paving the way for future generations to continue the struggle for equality and justice. Her legacy serves as a poignant reminder of the power of one individual to inspire change and make a lasting impact on the world. It is imperative to study and honor her contributions to civil rights, as they continue to resonate in contemporary conversations on social justice and human rights.

24 Books Related To Eleanor Roosevelt

Image of the book A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
A World Made New: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Image of the book Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery
Eleanor Roosevelt: A Life of Discovery
Image of the book Eleanor Roosevelt: Fighter for Social Justice (Childhood of Famous Americans)
Eleanor Roosevelt: Fighter for Social Justice (Childhood of Famous Americans)
Image of the book Eleanor Roosevelt, Fighter for Justice: Her Impact on the Civil Rights Movement, the White House, and the World
Eleanor Roosevelt, Fighter for Justice: Her Impact on the Civil Rights Movement, the White House, and the World
Image of the book Eleanor, Quiet No More: The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt (A Big Words Book, 4)
Eleanor, Quiet No More: The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt (A Big Words Book, 4)
Image of the book Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words: On Women, Politics, Leadership, and Lessons from Life
Eleanor Roosevelt: In Her Words: On Women, Politics, Leadership, and Lessons from Life
Image of the book Eleanor Roosevelt's Book of Common Sense Etiquette
Eleanor Roosevelt's Book of Common Sense Etiquette
Image of the book Eleanor Roosevelt, Vol. 1: 1884-1933
Eleanor Roosevelt, Vol. 1: 1884-1933
Image of the book EMPTY WITHOUT YOU: The Intimate Letters Of Eleanor Roosevelt And Lorena Hickok
EMPTY WITHOUT YOU: The Intimate Letters Of Eleanor Roosevelt And Lorena Hickok
Image of the book Hissing Cousins: The Lifelong Rivalry of Eleanor Roosevelt and Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Hissing Cousins: The Lifelong Rivalry of Eleanor Roosevelt and Alice Roosevelt Longworth
Image of the book If You Ask Me: Essential Advice from Eleanor Roosevelt
If You Ask Me: Essential Advice from Eleanor Roosevelt
Image of the book Leadership the Eleanor Roosevelt Way: Timeless Strategies from the First Lady of Courage
Leadership the Eleanor Roosevelt Way: Timeless Strategies from the First Lady of Courage
Image of the book My Day: The Best Of Eleanor Roosevelt's Acclaimed Newspaper Columns, 1936-1962
My Day: The Best Of Eleanor Roosevelt's Acclaimed Newspaper Columns, 1936-1962
Image of the book Our Eleanor: A Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelt's Remarkable Life
Our Eleanor: A Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelt's Remarkable Life
Image of the book On Dupont Circle: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and the Progressives Who Shaped Our World
On Dupont Circle: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and the Progressives Who Shaped Our World
Image of the book The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt
The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt
Image of the book The First Lady of World War II: Eleanor Roosevelt's Daring Journey to the Frontlines and Back
The First Lady of World War II: Eleanor Roosevelt's Daring Journey to the Frontlines and Back
Image of the book The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice
The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice
Image of the book The Value of Caring: The Story of Eleanor Roosevelt (ValueTales)
The Value of Caring: The Story of Eleanor Roosevelt (ValueTales)
Image of the book Undiscovered Country: A Novel Inspired by the Lives of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok
Undiscovered Country: A Novel Inspired by the Lives of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok
Image of the book What Are We For?: The Words and Ideals of Eleanor Roosevelt
What Are We For?: The Words and Ideals of Eleanor Roosevelt
Image of the book Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
Who Was Eleanor Roosevelt?
Image of the book You Learn by Living
You Learn by Living
Image of the book The Long Shadow Of Little Rock: A Memoir
The Long Shadow Of Little Rock: A Memoir