Home / Social Justice Leaders / Kahn-Tineta Horn

Kahn-Tineta Horn

Image of the social justice leader, Kahn-Tineta Horn
Kahn-Tineta Horn, born in 1939 in Canada, stands as a beacon of strength and resilience in the fight for Indigenous rights and cultural preservation. Her unwavering dedication and tireless advocacy have echoed through the halls of history, shaping the narrative of civil rights in Canada. Through her courageous actions and powerful voice, Kahn-Tineta Horn has illuminated the path towards justice and equality for Indigenous communities, inspiring generations to stand up and be heard. Today, her legacy serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by Indigenous peoples and the importance of honoring their rights and preserving their rich heritage. Let us learn from her example, let us carry her torch forward, and let us stand united in the pursuit of a more just and inclusive society.

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